The Enchanted forest
This intaglio print depicts a deer meandering through an enchanted forest, chosen to align with the assigned theme of Fairy Tales. Intaglio printmaking involves a meticulous multi-step process: the plate is prepared by sanding it down and applying asphaltum to create a hard ground. A fine needle is then used to etch intricate details into the hardground, which is subsequently soaked in ferric chloride to permanently etch the design into the copper plate. To print, the plate is coated with a thin layer of soy-based ink and pressed onto wet paper using a printing press.
Executing this project as an edition of five prints posed a challenge in maintaining consistency across each print. Despite this, intaglio printmaking allows for the intricate rendering of fine details and layers of depth, resulting in an intriguing final print that captures the mystique of the enchanted forest scene.