color palette

podcast POSTER

This project represents the podcast, Murder in Apartment 12, by Dateline NBC about a murder of young Nona Dirksmeyer in Russellville, Arkansas. The use of deep colors, texture, and depth throughout the poster creates an effective layout using only type manipulation. The number twelve seen in the center of the “murder” manipulation symbolizes the context of the podcast. The color red represents violence. The stem of the letter “d” in murder extends through the bottom of the poster to create a visual focus towards the center of the poster and the necessary information included at the bottom. The texture of the crinkled, cream paper symbolizes the amount of time the case took to solve and to make the poster visually appealing. 


Draft 1

Draft 2

Draft 3

Draft 4




The wrinkled paper texture seen in the final design is representative of the time past since the murder happened in 2005.

Fall 2023

Spring 2024

Design components

Text Justification

The manipulation of the center text was created to represent a doorframe, tying back to the title of the podcast, Murder In Apartment 12. Using the protruding diagonals to format the text keeps the depth of the poster design. 

key words

  • the unknown

  • past time

  • deception


Figure & Ground


Poster Fold Design